Museums and smashed fingers- day 3 and 4
The Vanderhoof museum was really neat as well and we learned lots about the area on the free guided tour there. It was raining so we just drove on to Fraser Lake and set up camp there at a free RV park. It is quite a nice place and we got there at a decent time actually but I couldn't get the trailer level on the site. So I decided to unhook the trailer from the car in order to lower the tongue so the trailer would be level. I went to slide the trailer the 2 inches back I needed in order to lower it, and it rolled off the blocks I had the tires up on, from trying to level it earlier. The problem was that I had left the safety chains hooked to the car and they squashed my fingers up against the tongue. I had to get Julie to back the car up so I could get my fingers out. The nearest clinic or hospital was a significant drive so we cleaned it there and I now have one good thumb and one good finger on my left hand. Ended up in bed late from that and then realized we were close to train tracks again! Except this time it was even worse since it was a town and the train blows its whistle every time it comes through....
The next morning was rainy and cold (+8c, 46f) when we got up at 7 am. Things were a little slow with my injured fingers but we left the site before 10am! Drove to Burns Lake and Julie spent 2 hrs doing laundry in a laundromat cosily full of treeplanters while I shopped. The 2 hrs was quite unexpected but kid's bedding takes quite a while to dry.
We were having lunch in a park when Matt Dykstra came by and talked to us, someone I haven't seen in 15 yrs, so that was cool. After that we did the Burns Lake museum which I would highly recommend especially for their 'war exhibit'. There was a guy from the Burns Lake area that apparently went into Hitler's bunker before it was destroyed and took a whole bunch of stuff that is now there. There was also stuff from the Boer war, a moose with crazy antlers, an exhibit on a local olympic skiier and lots of other old stuff.
Then we drove to where I used to live in Houston, but I will save that for the next post.

Got to go through a railcar which transported royalty way back
2 person chainsaws... looks so dangerous
The centre of B.C!
I left out the nasty photos, but I believe we got all the blood off Julies clothes and most of it out of my car now.
I actually helped the guy in the site beside me with the Toyota pickup start his truck in the morning. I used a hammer. First time I have ever tried that :)
I have never seen salt bocks in a grocery store before, but Burns Lake is cool

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