Leaving and our first 2 days

Friday was my last day of work, I worked late that evening on the car to finish a few things and then came home. Julies family came out to help us get ready on Saturday afternoon and Monday morning which was great!  The entire day Saturday was spent sewing zipper to the screen for our trailer by Julie, as was all day Monday. Monday evening we went to install it and realized we were short on zipper so I went to town but couldn't find any. Tuesday we packed the rest of everything else and left at 1:30pm. The original plan was to leave at 6am Monday so this was a day and a half late and we had no working screen to keep bugs out of the trailer even though I changed the plan from screening the entire trailer to just doing the door to save time. Our plan was to find screen along the way.

So after packing and then unpacking to reduce weight we left Tuesday afternoon from our home in Buford Alberta still packed pretty heavy. Drove through drayton valley, up to highway 16 and into Edson where we stopped to look for zipper and let the kids run around. There was no zipper and I decided we had more than enough gas to make it to jasper, so that became the plan. As soon as we left edson the wind really picked up to the point where I was having to use 4th gear so i could accelerate enough to go down the hills. I ran out of gas about 7km from Jasper with empty Gerry cans of course. Julie made supper on the side of the road while I hitch hiked to Jasper and back for gas. Filled the car up, had supper and drove into Jasper where I filled the car up the rest of the way and refilled the gerry can.
We continued on and stopped at the boarder and talked to another couple about their dogs and our camper.

After that we were looking for lucerne campground and I turned down lucerne road figuring it was down there. after quite a ways i realized it wasnt and we just set up camp in what I figured was a nice spot since it was late and we didn't feel like going back. The spot was nice except for it was right beside the railroad tracks and trains came by between every 10 minutes and 2hrs to wake us up. Very long trains too. We realized around 1:30am when the kids had to go pee that we hadn't packed the headlamps...

We got up at 8am the next morning but by the time we had packed the trailer and made pancakes for breakfast it was after 11am before we rolled out of there, which is crazy. We will have to do something to make that quicker. We checked out the actual lucerne campground which was a mile down the road and it looked pretty cool. We stopped at mt. Robson after that, which was nice, lots of stuff to read about at the info centre there.

Then drove to mcbride and had a look around, had lunch there. Mcbride is a really nice place to stop on a trip through bc. one of the few wooden cabooses left.
After that we stopped at the Ancient forest whch is about an hour west of mcbride. It is the farthest inland rainforest in the world. We were just going to hike a little bit of it but Joshua had tons of energy and did the whole trail! 2.5km and pretty steep for a little kid, we were impressed. Shawn kept running ahead and waiting for us, later on he was even laying down and pretending to nap while we caught up with him.

Julie says the water tastes like tree roots

We finished there and drove to prince george. Set up in an mosquito infested rv park and i am (not)quickly making this post before we go to bed. (its after midnight) hopefully the next post will be better. So far the kids are doing great, the car is doing great except for an oil consumption issue which I thought I had fixed and the trailer is doing great except for the lack of screen..


  1. Hey- Wow, you are doing the trip, congratulations! So far, beautiful scenery and you are covering som km's and having fun, sure looks like. I put this blog in favorites, be sure to post plenty, we are enjoying this a ton!! Happy trails from Oregon!, Nodrog


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