First day driving north to the Yukon

On Sunday we went to The Thornhill community Church Jackie attends. They had their service at 11 so we got to sleep in until 8:30. This is a very friendly church, and we enjoyed our visit. Six girls had graduated the week before, and they were asked to come up and their fathers prayed for them. I loved this so much. It was also Father's Day, so a few teens came up to express their appreciation for their father's roles in their lives.
Jackie invited us over for lunch, so we had some tasty soup, put Joshua to bed in her room, and played cribbage while catching up and talking about life and faith.
It was getting late by the time Joshua got up, so we invited Jackie to our campsite to share supper with us, as we were in no way done with our talking!
We talked until 9:45, while the boys yelled and fought in their tent, then Jackie went home again, and Ryan and I tried to finish all the other things we'd planned to get done before moving on tomorrow.

 We got up at 7 at the Ferry Island campsite in Terrace Monday morning and left at 9:45
Ryan dropped me off with the boys at the grocery store, while he ran all our other errands. Ryan came in, just as I was paying the cashier, to see what was taking me so long (cranky boys fighting), and we got our groceries loaded and we were finally on our way by  11:20.
We stopped to take pictures at the Seven Sisters lookout, and enjoyed the scenery.
Part way up HWY 37, the oil pressure gauge was fluctuating, so Ryan stopped to add some oil. He has been having trouble with oil consumption for a while and tried a couple different things to fix it but it hasn't worked yet. The last 'fix' resulted in the one side of the car and trailer getting covered in oil and dirt. Hopefully we can get that fixed soon.
We stopped at Bonus Lake recreation site for lunch a bit after 1. Shawn was fishing in the water with a wooden stick someone had cut and left behind, and when Joshua went to join him, he tripped, and fell foreward and got his arms muddy up to the elbow, which really upset him.
We stopped at Meziadin Junction for gas, which was$1.52/l and decided we had better get gas there. One thing Ryan hadn't gotten done Sunday night was check the fuel prices on highway 37 to see if we needed to fill our jerry cans in Terrace before we left. 
We saw three black bears, they really do graze! We could hear the one munching and crunching away.

Here is a video of the bears eating grass and looking around. Got some nice closeups. At the end is the brown bear we saw the next day, i just put all 3 bears in 1 video:

We stopped at a place called bell 2 crossing to get out, stretch and look around. There we discovered that a large juice container had leaked in our cooler and that took quite a while to clean up. Gas was $1.60/L there so we were glad we gassed up at the junction.

Further down we stopped at a bridge over a creek with a neat rock formation and shawn suddenly threw up. He seemed fine before and fine after so we aren't really sure what that was about. Maybe he got too hot, it was +32 out and very sunny.

We got to Kinaskin provincial park campsite at 8:20pm and all the nice waterfront sites were already taken. We made it about 470km today up highway 37, it was a nice drive: a narrow and windy road with lots of side roads that would be fun to explore without a trailer. Here is some scenery:

Short Scenery video:


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