Hospital trip for Joshua in Dawson City
On Sunday July 8 we went to the E-free church in town but we were almost late because the ferry took 45 minutes. I don't know how the people who live here deal with it, I am not patient enough.
After church we found that an rv park had gotten some ice so that was a relief that all our food wasn't going to go bad after all.
There was going to be a long ferry wait to get back to our campsite for lunch so Julie and the kids went on foot across the ferry and walked to the campsite while i waited around an hour to get on. They had started lunch by the time I got there with the car and I joined them. The kids were bored waiting for their second serving of lunch and Joshua ran down the steep hill from the picnic table to the trailer and couldn't slow himself down. Just as he got to the trailer he was moving faster than he could make his legs go and he went headlong into the side of our trailer, hitting his head on a piece of angle iron. He split his forehead wide open and was bleeding really bad. We left our lunch out on the table, got in the car and went to the hospital. unfortunately to get there we had to cross the ferry again, but thankfully they left us to the front of the line. Julie was trying to hold his cut shut to slow down the bleeding but it was right above Joshuas eye and was really slippery. Joshua thought it was Julie hurting him and was screaming and trying to wiggle away. He lost a lot of blood by the time we got to the hospital but they got the bleeding stopped pretty quickly once we got there. The hospital was interesting, they had to call the doctor in and Joshua had the attention of all the nurses in the hospital (3) until the doctor arrived. I believe it was 3pm when we got there and Joshua was their 4th patient of the day. It was that doctors first day in that hospital and that was interesting to watch. He had no idea where anything was and he kept asking the nurses for supplies and even medication that they didn't have. He put Joshua to sleep and stitched him up nicely though. They gave Julie a bit to eat since she hadn't actually had any lunch yet before we left, she had just been feeding the kids. We had another very long wait for the ferry and got back to our campsite in time to make a late supper. Joshua did manage to sleep through the night, I think he was exhausted from all the screaming and stress plus he had taken whatever pain medication we used right before he went to sleep. I had to go ask some drunk guys to turn down their music at 2am but they didn't wake the kids up thankfully. The photo of Joshuas stitches is from 2 days later

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